Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Contending with the Beast

Lewis O. Brogdon

Assistant Professor of New Testament and Black Church Studies
Director of the Black Church Studies Program

November 8, 2013
Revelation 13:1-10

Apocalyptic images are not just helpful for the ancients as they sought to make sense of their suffering and poverty. These images are helpful in my attempt to describe what has proceeded out of the waters of the Middle Passage, centuries of colonialism, slavery, and racism. I believe the beast re-emerged and stands before us today. This sermon explores the importance of this image for the church today in the struggle against systemic evils like racism. In the end, this text calls for three things: a realistic faith, a relevant faith, and a resistant faith.  Listen to the sermon.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Opposite Day

Gerald Liu
Visiting Professor of Worship

November 1, 2013
Luke 6:20-31

The message suggests that grasping the blessings and woes in Luke and "Doing unto others as we would have them do unto us" means playing a game of opposites. Followers of Jesus must learn to love their enemies and live lives oriented toward the promises of God instead of human judgment.  Listen to the sermon.