Showing posts with label Edwards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edwards. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Resources and Challenges for Constructing a Hindu Theology of Liberation

Anant Rambachan
Professor of Religion, St. Olaf College

October 20, 2011
Edwards Lecture

Rambachan has been involved in the field of interreligious relations and dialogue for more than twenty-five years, as a Hindu participant and analyst.  Listen to the lecture.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Edwards-Pressler Lectures

A New Mission?

Dr. Terry C. Muck
Dean of the E. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and Evangelism
Professor of Missions and World Religions, Asbury Theological Seminary

October 22, 2009

So-called “new missions” come about because of new contexts, not because of a new gospel. It is the demands of a new context that drives us back to Scripture for a fresh look at what God is calling us to be and do in this place and this time. Read the lecture in PDF.

The New Mission Worker

Dr. Frances S. Adeney
William A. Benfield Jr. Professor of Evangelism & Global Missions, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

October 22, 2009

What are the characteristics of the new mission workers? First they perceive the world differently. Second, they see the contradictions of current mission models and why they are not working, and third, they develop new ways of interacting with their context—new methods that bring the gospel alive in their setting. Read the lecture in PDF.

Muck and Adeney are co-authors of Christianity Encountering World Religions: The Practice of Mission in the Twenty-first Century (Baker 2009).

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Beloved Community: American Search, Christian Hope, Human Struggle

Charles Marsh
Professor of Religious and Theological Studies
Director of the Project on Lived Theology, University of Virginia

George and Jean Edwards Lecture on Peace and Justice
October 25, 2007

In our current, troubled times, Dr. Marsh reconstructs Dr. Martin Luther King’s call to the struggle for a new world as the only true call of the children of the living God. He says that in order to create beloved community, we must remain close to the ground, listen more closely, and return to the commitment of the Church’s healing presence in the world. Listen to the lecture.