Tuesday, November 20, 2007

On Sheep, Wolves, Serpents and Doves

David C. Hester Dean of the Seminary Vice President for Academic Affairs Harrison Ray Anderson Professor of Ministry

Matthew 10:1, 5-23
October 26, 2007

Matthew’s account of Jesus sending out “the Twelve” on a mission to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel,” on which journey they are to take only the essentials and no extra baggage, prompts us to think about our own call to participate in God’s mission through the church for the transformation of the world. Matthew warns that the disciples who agree to “go public” with Jesus’ call to a new vision of the future may not always be welcome. The opponents of Jesus’ good news vision are consuming and destructive of self and of others—they are like wolves. How shall those in mission live in the midst of such threats? Jesus urges they become “wise as serpents and innocent as doves,” living a sanctified life, guided by practical wisdom that recognizes openings for the Gospel’s good word. Listen to the sermon. Read the sermon in PDF.